[tmtranscripts] NET #29, Nov. 20, 2017

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 11:46:18 PST 2017


*New Era Transition #29 – Facing challenges; Making Better Choices – Nov.
20, 2017*

*Mentor: Sondjah Melchizedek*


Applying social sustainability to larger organizations

Clarifying the use of “pre-destination” last session

Our personal “plan” for our life

The coefficients of Love, Mercy and Ministry

Accelerate the planet’s growth through guidance

Knowing if we are on the right path

Serendipity, coincidence and happenstance

The “null prayer”

Challenges facing corporations and individuals

Building better self-discipline and making better choices

Expressing the 7 values in art

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team Members present: Roxanne Andrews, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Doug
Dodge, Stephane Labonte and Michael McCray, M.D


*November 20, 2017*

*Applying social sustainability to larger organizations*

*SONDJAH:* Good morning, this is Sondjah; welcome to a new day, a new
beginning, a new phase of implementation. What is perhaps disconcerting to
you is that you do not see what we see—the new developments of
implementation where people in organizations are actually thinking
about—and not only thinking about but beginning to apply the values of
social sustainability to their group and to their programs. This is
particularly important to non-profit organizations such as churches. Other
non-profits could benefit from this greatly, though they have not begun to
see these concepts clearly, they have not been made visible to them.

As I have reported in the past, our work continues with Christ the King
Lutheran Church in Denver with This One and with the Pastor, Joel Rothe.
His salary is being paid by Abiding Hope. This One and Sherille had a
meeting with Joel this past week, a personal one-on-one with him, to
finally explain the Family Clinic program and how it would apply to the
church situation.

[This is *Daniel:* The main church is Abiding Hope, Pastor Doug Hill is
the Senior Pastor and they are the ones who bought the physical plant of
Christ the King Lutheran Church and they are the 3rd largest church in

*SONDJAH:* This meeting was very important as Joel had understood only
briefly what the work of social sustainability was about and what had
excited This One so much about the values that have sustained your
species. [Rothe] will have a personal meeting with Pastor Hill on the 27th
of November. Your thoughts and work with the celestials regarding that
meeting would be appreciated. Having said that, you can accept that I will
be involved in that as well. Our intention in the meeting is to open the
mind of the Senior Pastor to see how this program could be applied and used
to a larger church. When you step back from these situations, you must
realize that a church with a congregation of between 5,000 – 10,000
members, that many members are also on the governing boards and preside
over other non-profit organizations who will have a benefit in these values
and in the concepts of social sustainability. It is our attempt to use the
impoverished situation of Christ the King Lutheran Church as a focal point
for our work, one that can be applied to a much larger church and with the
hope for eventual acceptance of this program into Christ the King, and also
accepted and applied within the larger church of Abiding Hope. This would
have a tremendous marketing perspective to all of our work that if a
mega-church accepts such a program then other mega-churches may want to do
so as well. This of course is not the only program that we are working
with. I will keep this short due to This One’s inattention of his mind.

[Note: Daniel was experiencing a lot of pain and though he was not on pain
killers during this time, his TRing was a little “rambling,” which has been
smoothed out during editing without changing Sondjah’s meanings.]

*SONDJAH:* If you have questions, please ask them now.

*Michael:* Hello, Sondjah, this is Michael McCray. We have spoken
together quite some time ago and it’s good to hear you again.

*SONDJAH:* It is good to see that you are still alive!

*Michael:* (Laughing.) Yes, I am, thank you very much. I wondered if you
could give just a quick synopsis without the rambling; I didn’t get the
point. Can you focus out on that?

*SONDJAH:* I would be glad to and thank you for your question. It helps
bring focus to this rambling. This is the beginning of the implementation
stage, which involved also a marketing program that will make our work
nationwide within a very few months when it begins to be implemented. Does
that help?

*Michael:* Yes it does, thank you.

*Clarifying the use of “pre-destination” last session*

*Jeff:* Thank you for being here. Last session, you said the following:
“Though you have been called to this forum, know that you are present here
today because you have a pre-destination to be here; you are not
foreordained to be here, but you have a destiny to fulfill if you wish to
participate with us.” Could you expound a little bit on the concept of
pre-destination as you used it in that sentence?

*SONDJAH:* Yes. As you know every individual has a Thought Adjuster and
that with every individual there has been developed a plan of life for that
individual and this is their pre-destined course in life if they so choose
to act upon what you might call the “intuitive guidance” given by their
Thought Adjuster. Yet, you also know that the will decisions of mortals
are sovereign, that you have free-will and that your free-will sovereign
decisions will not be changed or amended, therefore, that you are
responsible for your decisions. If you choose not to go with the plan,
then that is your decision. This plan that you have for your life is given
to you as a gift from the Creator through your Thought Adjuster for the
course of your life to guide you in your ascendant journey. Yet, you are
not foreordained to do that—the choice is yours. It is simply a plan for
your choosing. If it were foreordained then you would have no choice but
to follow the plan. Such a situation would not work to your advantage on
your ascendant journey which requires that you make independent decisions
and take actions that prove you are capable of entering the next
spiritually evolutionary step of your spiritual growth. Do you follow so

*Jeff:* I think so.

*SONDJAH:* It is very simple: everyone has a plan; you choose to follow
the plan or not; it is not foreordained; the plan is not obligatory. If it
were foreordained or pre-ordained, you would be obliged to follow it, but
you are not.

[*Daniel:* I think this was covered once before in months past. I wish we
had a way of searching all these files for topics. Somehow we’ve got to do
that in the software.

*Roxie:* That’s something we are working on in the new archive.]

*SONDJAH:* Jeff, do you have further questions?

*Our personal “plan” for our life*

*Jeff:* No, I don’t think so. It’s just that sometime back I basically
made a personal pledge that I was going to turn my life over to the Father
and just let him guide me through the rest of the steps of my journey and I
don’t think that I have ever been given the blueprint or whatever the plan
was that I was born with and I guess we would all wander off our plan here
and there due to what circumstance or consequence we don’t really know yet,
because we haven’t finished the journey.

*SONDJAH:* You are quite correct, rarely has anyone been given a vision of
their plan, even those who are conscious members of the Corps of Destiny
have rarely seen all of the plan. Some of these individuals have not seen
any of it; some have seen part of it. The reason for not disclosing the
plan to individuals is for the reasons that you have already given.
Mortals think that if they have a plan then they must pursue it, but this
is much as Lao-tse has said that “The journey is more important than the
goal.” And so, when you make decisions ahead of time, then you disallow
the growth of your soul, and so by not knowing the plan, you must search
and remain in contact with your Thought Adjuster in your meditation and
follow the plan through the opportunities that come to you from the
celestials, the angels and your Thought Adjuster. There are reasons for
this plan: Even we celestials and celestial teachers who are on their
ascendant journey are not given all of the plan; we are given options in
how we want to act out the ascension plan of our lives, but rarely are we
given the full disclosure of our plan. It comes eventually in doing the
Father’s Will in all things without any obstructions or any resistance.

*Jeff:* That is a very comforting thought, thank you, Sondjah.

*The coefficients of Love, Mercy and Ministry*

*Liz:* Good morning, Sondjah. I heard myself say in our Urantia Book
Study Group last week, something that I have said before and I’m not sure
that I know if it’s true, or not, and I don’t know where I got this idea,
but I wanted to run it by you to see if I am accurate in my thinking about
this. Starting with Truth, Beauty and Goodness, which I believe are
personality attributes of God, they have action coefficients of Love, Mercy
and Ministry. I was thinking that Love is the action of Truth, and that
Mercy is the action of Beautiful—In other words there is nothing more
beautiful than offering mercy; there is nothing more loving than
discovering truth, and there is nothing that demonstrates goodness more
than ministering to one of our fellows. And I believe that, but I’m not
sure that those things are as coordinated as I have set them out to be.
Would you speak to this, please?

*SONDJAH:* Gladly. This too is—I would not call it part of the puzzle of
your journey, of your plan—but it is something for you to discover. It
seems obvious to me, and as I look within, your Thought Adjuster has
dropped one of those big “Aha’s” into your mind. The test, of course, is
for you to now apply that and test that out in your actions with your
fellow brothers and sisters. It is also useful to test that out with you
as an individual in the greatest honesty that you can apply to your own
introspection as you analyze as objectively as possible your inner growth,
your truth, beauty, and goodness, all the while being compassionate to
yourself as a soul that is growing. The chore now for you, the work now to
do is to hold those standards up to yourself in your mind, or on a piece of
paper, as you are in conversation with others on the telephone, or as you
meet people face-to-face. Then you will see your living growth in action,
your love in action and your mercy, your compassion and your empathy for
others and your service to others. It is a wonderful means to evaluate
your own personal growth and [that] you are striving to do so signifies
that you have achieved quite a good level of inner beauty yourself.

*Liz:* Thank you for that. I have a long way to go.

*Accelerate the planet’s growth through guidance*

*Stephane:* I want to put the Teaching Mission and Correcting Time in
context: You talk about everyone of us having a plan discovered through a
connection with our Thought Adjuster who can then, with our willingness,
enable this plan to occur through the angels and other circuits. As such
the growth and progress of society and the planet can occur in such a way
as has transpired in the last thousands of years. The purpose of the
Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time is to accelerate this progress
socially and globally. Is that correct?

*SONDJAH:* That is correct. Continue.

*Knowing if we are on the right path*

*Stephane:* My question is here: How are we going to apply these teachings
that we receive and are reading, how are we to know that we are on the
right path on a day-to-day basis if we are not in connection with a TR

*SONDJAH:* Gladly. Without being a TR—and being a TR does not necessarily
assure that you know your plan or understand what it is or what you need to
do. With that caveat out of the way, the way to tell if you are on track
or not is to appraise your life in terms of coincidence, happenstance and
serendipity. Those provide the tell-tale evidence of the angels and
celestials and midwayers at work in your life. It is through these
serendipitous coincidences that resources are brought together. It is
important therefore that the Teaching Mission had to be initiated in order
to develop a cadre of individuals who believe that there was and is and are
celestial beings about and that Christ Michael has a conscious,
intentional, deliberate will to bring this world into the light as other
planets are doing so as well. When this cadre becomes large enough, [when]
there are enough to gain traction—meaning that there are enough individuals
to begin implementing social programs, which are the evidence of the
Magisterial Mission—once you see these in play, then you know that spirit
is ramping up the energy and to work co-creatively with the mortals of this
cadre. And do not be surprised to see other people who are not part of
this cadre make major contributions to our work. Even those who do not
believe in God can be used to good ends for our work of bringing this
planet into the Days of Light and Life.

You have begun to see part of that already. You have been given a very
small example of a coincidence that is a part of Divine Order and Divine
Timing and Divine Development in the delivery of the book that This One
mentioned that was given to him earlier last week. It was by coincidence
that this book arrived as a gift and having read it, This One realized that
the book offered so much insight into the work that we spirit are doing on
this planet, co-creatively with each of you and with groups of
individuals. So when you see these tell-tale signs of spirit working in
your life, you should be assured—we hope you will be assured—that you are
on track and you are doing the right things.

[Note: This book was mentioned in our team discussion before the session

Wilber, Ken 2016, *Integral Meditation,* Shambala Publications, Boulder,
Colorado,ISBN: 978-1-61180-298-6, $16.95 // Daniel: I read sections of
it in great detail for material relevant to my paper, *UNDERSTANDING Social
Sustainability;* and gave great swaths of it only a cursory examination.]

*Serendipity, coincidence and happenstance*

There is a vision or illustration, which I wish to give you: Finding
signs, symbols and omens as happenstance, coincidence and serendipity are
much like the trail of sparkles from Tinker Bell in the Walt Disney
animated movies that you have seen. This is evidence of angels being
present, much as Tinker Bell did not want to be seen and visible to people,
still individuals could see the sparkling trail of her passing. So too,
the work of angels is visible in the serendipity, coincidence and
happenstance in your life. And remember too that all of these developments
do not necessarily have to do with the Correcting Time; they are also meant
for you personally with the development of your spiritual career as a
mortal, that you are guided to one person and another and so on. It was
not by assignment that you arrived in Denver and visited with This One and
his wife a few weeks ago. That too was a wonderful coincidence,
happenstance that came to your life and made it possible. Do you

*The “null prayer”*

*Stephane:* I do. I’d like you to elaborate with the concept and within
the context of the “null prayer” previously discussed. How can we know that
a suggested path is not a path that needs to be followed?

*SONDJAH:* Yes, thank you. The vast, vast majority of mortals do not know
what their plan of life is. If you see an opportunity that comes to you,
for whatever it may be, you would then “probe” the situation. [A metaphor
comes from the Star Trek Enterprise where the captain would order a “probe”
to be sent out to explore, measure, and assess some unknown situation.]
When an opportunity comes along, you may want to explore it, meaning that
you would want to test it to see whether it offers something to you, and to
see whether it will provide you with a continuing stream of opportunities

The affirmative prayer is apparent when you would say to spirit, “If this
is the way forward for me, then open this situation with further
opportunities.” The null prayer is apparent when you say to spirit, “If
this is not the way for me to move forward, then bring this event, this
situation to a fast close so I do not waste my time.”

This has been used many times by This One and others, and we are in full
agreement that you are following the opportunities that lead you forward in
doing God’s Will, that it is in alignment with your life plan and the work
that you can do with us. It is not useful to you in your spiritual career
to pursue avenues of opportunity that only have a material or mortal
advantage. We wish for you to have an advantage that assists you in your
spiritual journey. Do you have further questions regarding this?

*Challenges facing corporations and individuals*

*Stephane:* No, thank you for explaining. I want to put it in context of
challenges. There are more and more new books coming out on challenges,
such as Kim Scott’s “Radical Candor” in Silicon Valley where the more
successful corporations are the ones that accept internal challenges as
acceptable behaviors throughout the organization. Another one is
“Principles: Life and Work” by Ray Dalio, Chairman and Chief Investment
Operator of Bridgewater Associates, who also promotes internal challenges
in their corporate culture—very few corporations have this culture
ingrained but some of the most successful ones are the ones that accept
challenges and this comes back to my question: How do we challenge
ourselves and each other to accelerate and validate progress in the
Correcting Time, the Teaching Mission and with our individual life plans?

*SONDJAH:* One moment. We would first ask you to differentiate your work
at the corporate level from a personal level. Corporations and
organizations do not have a soul, they do not enter the afterlife and they
do not have an ascendant career, therefore they are only a means to an end
for investors and for your civilization. First of all, we fully admire,
support and give credence to the aspect of challenging the internal
community, internal mores of an organization. When an organization becomes
very large it has to have the ability to be self-conscious a culture of
consciousness of questioning whether the course it is taking is “right.”
When you see this word “right,” you can also substitute the word “correct”
or the words “what works.” This is the point where we introduce the
morality of social sustainability as offering the criteria for long-term
transcendence of an organization beyond its unchallenged competitors.

The challenge for the individual is to ask themselves in a similar manner,
“Am I going in the right direction? Does what I do bring service to my
soul, to the lives of other individuals, to my family, and to my
children?” It is important that one have the courage to ask this question
for it will create an existential crisis if you do not. And the
existential crisis for corporations is this, “Are we pursuing a wrong
direction then eventually we will not be sustained and not be able to
transcend our current situation and remain sustainable in existence into
the decades and centuries ahead.” As you have begun to become aware this
is vastly expanded thinking for an organization, and this is what
organizations must do to survive, and in surviving they will need to take
on the approach—I do not like to use the term “global approach” or
“perspective” — but they need to have an integral approach of their present
and into their future.

We admire the work that is being done and we fully support it as I said
earlier, as this is the way that large organizations will teach other
organizations how to become sustainable into an indeterminate and unknown
future. For you as a soul it is important that you challenge yourself. It
is not necessarily the work that you do, the career that you have, but how
you think and what is of most importance to you. Is having a retirement
fund the most important thing in your life? Or is making a contribution to
your children so that they become the conscientious challenging leaders of
the future for organizations, governments, and non-profits as well? It is
important to feed yourself as a soul, to be good to yourself, to analyze
and ask yourself, “Am I making moral decisions? Is my life being lived in
an ethical way with a social conscience for the concerns of others?” For
you to ask such a question means that you have already achieved a high
level of self-awareness to do this. As we have said before,
self-observation is *sine qua non,* [an indispensable condition; a
necessity], of an achieving soul that you then have the criteria to correct
your way and to achieve great growth no matter where you are in your life,
no matter how wealthy you are, or how impoverished you are, or the social
culture that you come from.

*Stephane:* Thank you for making that link.

*Building better self-discipline and making better choices*

*Doug:* Good morning. My question is a follow-up from last time where we
talked about self-discipline and getting from your comfort zone to your
courage zone, to be able to help make better choices for doing the Will of
God. It just seems like there is a link between self-discipline and
discipleship that is kind of a segue from one to the other, and if you
would have some more comments on building better self-discipline to making
better choices for discipleship.

*SONDJAH:* Explain “discipleship” as you define and use it.

*Doug:* Obviously it is following in God’s Will, you are going to do
things to hone yourself to better follow what you think is the ideal.

[This is *Daniel:* That word “discipleship” does not compute for me.
Please ask the question again about discipline.]

*Doug:* Well, it’s just that we can make small choices in our own daily
life to reaffirm our ability to—it’s sort of like flexing your own
self-will muscles in order to build up the courage to step out of your
comfort zone, to have courage to do the self-willed acts that are our
higher self, I guess—for your higher self.

*SONDJAH:* One moment. Self-discipline ties in very well with the answers
given to Stephane and that topic. Self-awareness is needed to hone your
self-discipline. If you are not self-aware of the necessity of making an
appropriate decision, then you will not be able to exercise your
self-discipline. Self-discipline has to do with being aware of the right
course of action and then following through, whether that means picking up
your date and going to the movies on time, or being late because you
dithered your time away watching the news. Self-discipline is a personal
habit that courses through all aspects of your life, both the mundane and
the grand. Many people have procrastinated, which is the opposite of
self-discipline and acting on self-discipline. I use those two words
together to give you a succinct way of viewing self-discipline. If you
think that you are procrastinating then you need to buckle up, step up, and
pursue the right course of action by making the right decision and then
moving forward with that decision. Does this make sense for you, Doug?

*Doug:* Sure. I think a lot of people stack up all these things that they
want to do, creatively and part goal, and on the other hand they trade them
off or watch reruns on TV, as an example.

*SONDJAH:* Well said.

*Doug:* Okay, that was my question for the day. Thank you.

*Expressing the 7 values in art*

*Roxie:* I have a question from a reader that I’ve been hanging onto for
several sessions. Rick says that: “The Mexican Public High School
students do not receive art instruction, so two years ago I started a free
University Level Art School in the city of San Miguel de Allende designed
for the most talented and motivated local students ages 14-17. What can
Liz and I do to maximize the effectiveness, growth and success of our free
high school art school?”

*SONDJAH:* One moment. You are in a supremely delightful predicament, are
you not? In an art class you can begin to express “truth, beauty and
goodness,” and that in the decisions, the choices, the options of an art
piece, students are confronted with what they will portray and what they
will express, what will come out of their imagination. It is important
that in all educational situations that the 7 core values, the 7 values of
social sustainability, the 7 values that have sustained your species are
applied in art, as well as in government and in the family situation. You
are in a delightful situation where you have harvested the most adept and
insightful and spiritually open individuals to receive your ministry. I
use “ministry” in a very light way; the ministry of art, in which you work
is not pedantic as you cannot dictate what students will work on in their
interests. This is a subtle way of giving children, teenagers, insight
into their thinking and for them to aspire to the higher values that art
often has portrayed in the past. Mexico has a wonderful history of sacred
art, and art that can be seen as sacred. It is not necessary that they
draw pictures of Jesus and the Cross, Mary and so on, but simply the
decisions, the thoughts given to their art work through your guidance is
important to the formation of these individuals as thriving and growing
individuals and souls. If you have further questions regarding this you
are most welcome to ask them and we will attend to your questions promptly.

*Roxie:* Thank you for Rick, Sondjah.

Are there any other questions from the group?

*Doug:* Just well wishes for Thanksgiving!

*Daniel:* Thank you! I appreciate that. And likewise, whether you are
celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada on another day, or in France, or any
other nation, thanksgiving for abundance is always appropriate and so thank
you and best wishes to your holidays.

[Note: There was not the usual closing message from Sondjah.]

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