[tmtranscripts] Mother Nebadonia 5-8-16

Donna D'ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Fri May 13 08:05:13 PDT 2016

Mother Nebadonia--Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org> www.ctrforchristcon.org

May 8, 2016

Topic: Receiving Nebadonia's MOTHERLINESS and focusing it into the planetary
collective mind

T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we're very grateful to participate with you on
this call today. We thank you for all the changes you are helping us
co-create to bring forth a new planetary dispensation upon Urantia. You
know what is happening behind the scenes of our lives and what we see in our
planetary culture. We prevail upon your trust, your goodness, and your
mercy. We know that you are so powerful and yet we still have much to grow
in comprehension of your divine natures and the outworking of this plan of
correction for Urantia. Thank you for our Magisterial Son and His staff and
the work they are doing to sponsor this new dispensation. May we continue
to collaborate and participate in the ways we are being guided. We now
connect heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit to move as one in
your WILL that it may be more fully implemented here through our efforts and
those of others who are participating in this Correcting Time. Thank you.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little children! This is your Mother Nebadonia
who speaks! Today in your culture is the celebration of Mother's Day. It
is a recognition of the contribution that mothers make to your society and a
celebration of those motherly energies that are so fundamental to child
development and the furtherance of a social culture that is rooted in the
principles of love, compassion, nurturing, and life itself.

It is my desire today to impart to you more of my MOTHERLINESS that you may
continue to grow and come into a deeper recognition of your innate potential
that exists in your personalities; to allow me to move in those circuits of
your being where you may still be constrained by certain influences that are
no longer a part of the necessary structure for your systems of
consciousness. These are influences that have held you back from truly
co-creating in the WILL of Spirit, and it is my delight to engage with you
now that you may relax in me as your Mother and allow yourselves to gently
expand in what I provide to you.

Your world needs more mothering energies. There has been a deficiency
through this long period of time wherein the mothering quality has been
circumvented, repressed. And it is designed to support the transformation
of both genders, to help both men and women receive what the quality of
MOTHERLINESS discloses into the upliftment of human consciousness.

On this day when you celebrate mothers it seemed natural for me to come into
this forum to speak to you today and provide you with my essence that you
may grow more in who you are, my beautiful children. You need do nothing
more than simply invite me in, breathe deeply, slowly, mindfully as you
focus on the word MOTHERLINESS. Feel your need for that to flow into you in
those deeper places of your consciousness where you will greatly benefit
from this quality of my essence. Receive me now, my children. Receive and
know your Mother. (Pause)

All through your lives I have known you and have ministered to you in your
own individuated selves. You have not always perceived my presence as the
Adjutant Mind Spirits within your beings have had levels of interference due
to the impact of the rebellion on human consciousness has evolved. This is
now all being corrected.

Through these circuits of the Adjutants, my presence can gain greater space
and light within your beings with the objective for you to feel the inner
nurturing that is so fundamental to your soul growth. Every soul needs
this. It is built into the system of your evolutionary natures, and when
you are deficient in perceiving this level of MOTHERLINESS, you falter in
your development. You feel unsupported in your development, confused, and
even unworthy, but that is not your true essence or nature, and as you open
yourself to me and feel your need for MOTHERLINESS to operate at the depths
of your being, then will you perceive the greater value of who you are and
also a sense of valuing others of who they are, for within this quality of
MOTHERLINESS is this dynamic of perceiving the quality and value of all

So let this run through your beings at depths to circulate through your
energy systems, even into the tiniest ultimatonic reactions' particle matter
to upstep and uplift you. MOTHERLINESS--drink in this, my children and be
satisfied. (Pause)

You have received many infusions of spiritual and divine gifts, my children.
We have made available to you many provisions of our qualities to support
your spiritual development. This infusion today adds another level or
dimension into your beings to help you act as those conduits of love, peace,
compassion, mercy, and forgiveness toward you brothers and sisters.

While you have heard these words many, many times that you are the
way-showers, the light bearers of truth and goodness to your brethren. it
must go deep and move in those circuits of your beings where you actually
may live this, demonstrate this, embody this. And you will know how well
you do at integrating these energies by the fruits of the spirit you exude
in your interactions with your brothers and sisters. MOTHERLINESS is a
quality they need now and you can provide this to them the more you drink
deeply in me and of me and desire to be that mother to your brothers and
sisters. (Pause)

While women have been the traditional nurturers in society over the course
of your planet's progression, it is also important for men to open and
perceive this side of their natures. It reveals itself in different ways
than what women portray, but it is just as essential for men to receive this
MOTHERLINESS from me as it is for women to receive their FATHERLINESS from

You must be balanced and in that synergy of balance comes more harmony and
unity operating within your beings to bring men and women together to
cooperate more fully and to outwork the old antagonisms that were spawned
during the rebellion culture. This is fundamental to planetary change now.
It will be one of the underlying energies to build the foundation of the
Magisterial Mission to complete its objectives in Urantia consciousness.
This all works together in a seamless continuum of spiritual vitality
flowing into you. So, drink deeply again, my children. Let these words
edify your minds as my essence nurtures your souls. (Pause)

Let us now engage in the focus into the collective circuit of mind upon
Urantia. Allow the energies of MOTHERLINESS to spiral around the globe,
counter-clockwise as you project that love and desire from your hearts into
the planet for my MOTHERLINESS to engage more into these systems of
consciousness. Feel your desire for more men and women to open up to
MOTHERLINESS. Feel your desire for it to go into those deeper places of
planetary consciousness where more space and light can discharge sparks of
LOVE breaking up old patterns, clarifying erroneous beliefs, healing
emotional wounds. Feel your desire for this MOTHERLINESS energy to heal
your world as you simply hold this gaze from your hearts into this beautiful
world struggling to ascend to higher levels of LIGHT and LOVE. (Pause)

I now invite you to appeal to your Seraphic Planetary Corps who are
administering these MOTHERLY energies into the various social institutions
of their particular charge. Simply invite them to take your heart energies
and seed them wherever they will be most effective in promoting planetary
healing and upliftment. You can certainly pick an area of interest. Their
action is very broad. If you wish, focus on the healing of the political
systems, systems of health and science, racial situations, cultural
understanding, traditions of religions. What are your interests? Where do
they lie? Feel your own desires to participate in these arenas to share you
heart energies for change so that they may take this and apply it onto their
domains of action. (Pause)

You have read in your text regarding Urantia "quivering on the brink" of a
spiritual renaissance. This is a direct implication of what you are now
currently undergoing. This quivering energy is the motion of CHANGE. It is
getting stronger, more dynamic, more pervasive. This is my presence pouring
forth upon all humanity to bring more TRUTH-LIGHT into human consciousness
so the shadows of the past may be outworked from your energy systems.

This quivering energy gains momentum the more my presence opens my children
to Spirit. For some it is not simply a gentle quivering but a tumultuous
rocking, quaking, breaking open a new reality for them to perceive the
essence of Spirit and life in it. You have been told that many of your
brothers and sisters are being uprooted and they are very insecure and
unstable. Herein is where we look to you, awakened men and women, to
receive these infusions of our natures that you indeed maintain that inner
bastion of serenity and stability needed to help your brothers and sisters
to know where they can go to receive this as well.

So as this spiritual renaissance quickens and continues to quiver, gaining
more momentum will you be required and encourage to open to me more and to
grow in that quality of MOTHERLINESS to support you as you demonstrate the
loving nature of Father Michael to His dear children in great need.

Join with me now as we come before the One in Whom All Things Exist-your
Paradise Father. Spend these moments in worship with Him and my presence
will continue to support you through this deepening of who I am that you may
perceive more of the Father within you. Worship your Father, my children,
and revel in the JOY of His presence in you and your presence in Him.

My beautiful children, thank you for your devotion. Your Father and I are
deeply grateful for the trust and faith you exhibit during these tumultuous
times of change upon Urantia. As you descend from Paradise from the bosom
of the Father, know that I carry you in my heart and place you gently back
upon the ground. May you continue to absorb my MOTHERLINESS and grow in
those qualities that render you more spiritually fragrant and give you more
opportunities to demonstrate that fragrance to your brothers and sisters.
Call on me when you need that nurturing in yourself to strengthen you,
empower you, and embolden you, to be greater lovers of your siblings.

My blessings are upon you, my children, and I wish you all a Happy Mother's
Day and may you celebrate the MOTHERLINESS of your own innate natures and
thrive in my JOY. Good Day!

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