[tmtranscripts] Michael 2.20.06
nytrayn at msn.com
Mon Feb 27 06:08:20 PST 2006
MichaelFebruary 20, 2006
Marin T/M GroupMill Valley, CaliforniaU. S. A.
(The realm of will dignity)
(The power of fun)
(Michaels peace)
(Personality and ego)
(Balancing incoming and outgoing)
(Justice, mercy, and fairness)
(Decisiveness and freedom)
(The power of choice)
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Well, here we are again, Your bright-eyed
children brimming with anticipation to be with You once again. We find we
are coming to love You all the more as we get to know You and appreciate the
personalities You two have. Above all, we appreciate Your being very
forthright with us and, as we say, telling it like as it is. In this You
show Your trust in us and our desire to embrace reality. For this we are
most grateful. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, My sons, this is Michael. How it warms My heart
that you desire to know Me all the more, for above all I would wish to
be--for My children--approachable. This is why Mother and I invite you to
be with Us anytime it occurs to you, day or night, at work or in your
leisure, in times of joy and having fun, as well as those times when you
feel you really need Us to help you work through some problem. Ask Us to
help open your mind to new possibilities, new insights as to what is
happening to you, and the way to find and be in accord with God. Anytime at
all We welcome you to feel Our presence in your life.
(The realm of will dignity)
As Mother said last week, its been Our purpose to help you perceive all the
dimensions of reality you are involved with, and to make these as conscious
for you as possible. There is a wisdom in Gods assignment of freedom to all
His many different kinds of personal beings. Generally speaking, you are
only free within the realm of your own consciousness. Im sure you are all
aware of not being consciousness and in control of all the thousand and one
little biochemical events going on within your body incessantly, day and
night. Youre no doubt thankful you dont have to make constant running
decisions as to how to digest the apple you just ate, so not all
unconsciousness events that are happening to you and within you are even
needful of your conscious decision.
But once you get above the higher animal level of functioning and your mind
truly becomes human, embracing Mother Spirits Adjuncts of Worship and
Wisdom, then you are in the realm of will dignity. But you must choose to
exercise this. The more you feel your field of consciousness growing, the
more your will must keep right up with it. You must choose to take on ever
greater realms of response-ability. For the rather lazy soul this seems
like some kind of monstrous treadmill, where the greater your ability, the
more is thrown at you, so to speak, the more reality somehow requires of
But both Mother and I have endeavored to point out what a blessing this is,
and what a curse it would be just to indolently coast along through
eternity. What a terrible hell it would be if you were never challenged, or
were incapable, yourself, of embracing these challenges that are a part of
growing into ever greater realms of experience. This is the most
fundamental meaning of death, a very great and undeniable and unavoidable
change. It will precipitate you into another world of enormously increased
perceptions, sensations, and responsibilities. This is that good work We
promise you, that will ever be there for you to embrace, and do your part to
help the Supreme Being move one more step along.
You can see this reflected in part in Mother Spirits lesson last week where
She was contrasting a real ability you have within, what you call
psychological denial. What a freedom it is, at times a very critical
freedom: to be able to deny for some short while something that strikes you
as overwhelming. This is the fact you are able to put off something for
awhile, and deny its existence, seemingly safe and secure in your
self-created reality. Then She contrasted this with the enormous creativity
of God, manifesting the reality about you. These are all the particular
singular facts you experience as an infinity both without--essentially
forever into space, and within, into the infinitesimal. All this particular
detail you miss whenever you withdraw exclusively into you own self-created
world. And so We pointed this out so you can bring this dynamic too into
your consciousness; so you can have a choice.
Do We pique your curiosity as to what may be right there in front of you, or
all around you, you have been unconsciously avoiding?
With this in mind you should have a deeper appreciation for Lucifers folly.
For it was this freedom which enabled Him to ignore the real spiritual
reality of God himself; and then too the love of Mother and I, for Our son.
His own personal conception of reality grew so enormous in His mind that He
was able to ignore these profound spiritual realities. In doing so his
personality became so terribly warped, so self-clinging to itself, that He
consistently refused all the mercy and love being offered Him, more or less
because it would have been admission of His original error. So like a
drowning man clinging onto an anchor, down He went.
Even He, a primary Lanonandek Son, a brilliant being, sovereign of a System
of over six hundred evolutionary worlds, still He too had to face a final
reckoning, for as We said: denial only works for awhile. The period between
His grievous error and final reckoning seems a very long time in human terms
but, as your Urantia book points out, compared to the length of Lucifers
life before this event, it would be as if a person who had committed a most
heinous crime were arrested two hours after the fact, judged two hours after
that, and then extinguished another two hours after judgment. So it remains
an appropriate mystery to ponder: how could a brilliant being such as He,
with that length of living in a universe created by God, come to deny the
existence of our Universal Father, and the love of His more immediate
parents, Mother Nebadonia and Myself?
You have to turn this mystery outside-in and, with your whole heart, embrace
it. Let it feed your wonder and your curiosity. What might you be missing
out on that is, Oh!--so very real and rewarding, so unfathomably rich in
potential? Dont be afraid of ambition, My children, if it is truly
spiritual, if you truly want greater value in your life. I can feel, for
some of you this is a mystery in itself: how can your life have more value?
And I would admit this is quite a challenge to get you to wondering. But
this is what We mean when We say you are capable of growing spiritually. We
have so often pointed you, not at those finite articles in your life--the
various material possessions that you enjoy, but at the fact you are
surrounded by little walking infinities. There are other beings, human
beings much like yourselves, infinite both to you and to themselves.
This is the mystery of another human being. So obviously this is one way to
grow spiritually, by welcoming all these fellow spiritual beings on your
world into your life. They are Gods supreme creations. In addition, even
though they are not physically perceptible to you, from time to time We
introduce you to the enormous spiritual family that surrounds you, both
right on Urantia, then on all the other evolutionary planets and
architectural spheres without number. So We invite you to use your freedom,
My children. Willfully and with great determination and joy, embrace the
adventure set before you.
(The power of fun)
Use your minds to explore all the things you might do this new day. Burst
those bubbles of familiarity and break that death-grip of habit. Feel Our
presence within your mind and your spirit, like the bubbling fountain of
Gods creativity, and from time to time just let go all your cares and
concerns and have fun with a friend. This is the most wonderful way of
renewing yourself. Its with all the delightful little choices you make
when you are playing that you truly approach the essence of divinity. The
enormous power of fun--when you let things occur to you, when you allow
yourselves to be frivolous, just to see what happens.
There is a time for this, so as you provide for your more earthly essentials
of food and shelter, dont forget to provide for your spirit, and let it
play. Embrace all the particular details of Gods reality, and invite in
any stray fact that might be unappreciated so far. And so, My children, use
your freedom to be free. Yes, at times it is a fearful thing, this freedom
you have. So much is riding on your shoulders: your whole future. Yet:
what glorious confidence We have in you. If you could only see your whole
souls as We do, what confidence you would have in yourselves.
So be gone, dull habit. Go ahead and burst your bubble of familiarity, My
children. Go forth boldly, forward into the future. If you have any
questions or comments, this evening, lets play with them for a while.
Student: Father Michael, what does it mean when You say, Be in My peace?
Is that a place to be, a feeling, a state of being, or just what?
(Michaels peace)
MICHAEL: Well, C, how about: all of the above. (students laugh; Yes) Why
could I see that you could see that coming? (students laugh) Obviously its
more of a mental place than a physical one to be in, but for many of you
just starting off, it has to be a physical place. You have to find your own
comfortable, protected niche to get peaceful in, then, starting from this
home base, you can slowly expand your peaceful space, hopefully to include
your entire life.
Mentally, its a kind of stillness. Again, initially, deliberately set
aside some time apart from your normal concerns, especially those things you
feel are driving you. These you have internalized and made a part of your
mentality, and so you must make an effort to consciously relax these
concerns and worries, and value the time apart from them. You may even have
to argue with yourself a bit to persuade yourself to value this time.
Spiritually, youre trying for an expansion of inner perception. We offer
the path of first being aware of your living processes, your breathing, your
heartbeat. Try to feel these growing ever larger, for it will point the way
to a greater value of appreciating you are a living fact in the universe.
No matter how negative some particular part of your life seems to be at the
moment, you yourself are. You absolutely exist.
But you must allow room for this value to grow in appreciation, appreciation
for life, appreciation for the Supreme Being who gave you life. This is
worship, My son, this being thankful for life itself. This is intrinsically
peaceful, the very antithesis of worry and anxiety, because as you relax
these peripheral concerns, your personality can draw closer to itself. This
is true, even though--as you talked about last week and then Mother Spirit
reiterated--you cannot directly perceive yourself as in the saying: You are
the eye that sees, but cannot see itself.
As you get more and more peaceful, your consciousness expands into the
higher reaches where it begins to contact spiritual beings other than
yourself. You can have an actual, positive perception of Mother and I.
This is My peace that I invite you to experience. But this is also the
closest you can come, My son, to experiencing yourself, realizing yourself
as a separate and unique entity. In this peace We share is also where your
soul, this enormous life you have already lived, can come to you.
This is what We would have you experience. This is your personality
fulfilling its function of unifying all the separate elements that go to
make up a human being. This is the irony of when you are experiencing this
peacefulness, this enormous presence of spirit, you are not experiencing a
nothingness. You are most truly fulfilling your potential. Does this give
you a clear idea of My peace?
Student: Well, um, yes and no. It does open a whole field of inquiry that I
had never thought of before, and it sounds a lot like You are talking about
stillness and the exercise of stillness. I dont understand this statement:
I cannot perceive myself.
(Personality and ego)
MICHAEL: First, C, let Me explain that here We are pointing out a very
critical distinction between personality and ego. All you can perceive of
yourself, and feel yourself to be--your identity, who you are, your
memories, everything that is perceptible to you--is what We call ego. And
yet We tell you there is more. You are larger. In fact you are much more
enormous than what you yourself can be aware of at any particular moment in
time. Do you remember our exercise in what it takes just to relive a few
moments of your life? (Yes)
This is what We mean by the enormity of your being, your soul, that you
yourself cannot directly perceive. Your consciousness in not yet capable of
expanding enough to encompass all you really are as a spiritual being--such
that Mother and I can perceive. Your Father Fragment is very much a part of
your mind, adjusting your thoughts towards ever greater comprehensions of
reality, yet you cannot usually feel this presence as much as you will one
day be capable of doing. This is the difference between your fundamental
reality as a God-created personality, and this personalitys conscious
ability to fully perceive himself in any moment in time. Does this clarify
that distinction?
Student: Yes it does, but it still opens up a great deal of area of inquiry
about who I am, and what I perceive myself to be. I understand that what I
perceive is my identity and not necessarily the spiritual part, although Im
not too clear on that one either.
MICHAEL: Good! (students laugh) This is just what We hoped for. (more
laughter) Do you feel a little like youve been put in a shaker and
vigorously shaken up a bit? You are very much getting the point.
Student: Yes, I do in a way, but whats more apparent is the inquiry into
what all this means. I dont know quite the question to ask, other than I
look forward to finding out what it is thats going on in me, and actually
getting closer to You and Mother. I would love to experience more of You
and Mother.
MICHAEL: And We have shown you the way. It is in practicing stillness,
which is another ability you have to slowly earn, of letting the more
commonplace, day to day notions of who you are subside, so that your wonder,
your curiosity as to not only who you are, but what you are, what kind of a
being you are, can come forth.
Strangely enough, you will find this is deeply satisfying in itself. This
is both the wonder itself, and what it leads to. For it can lead to My
peace, this profound experience of your positive being.
In a very profound way, My son, your eternal search for God is also your
eternal search for yourself. Your faith is not only extending outward to
embrace His creation, it is extending inward to embrace and experience
evermore who you are, and what you are capable of becoming.
This is the goal of perfection, My son. (Yes) This is the goal of not only
finding God, but becoming more like Him--(Yes)--which is another way of
saying: closing the distance between you. (Yes) Here you are face to face
with the paradox of the unmoving center being the pivot point of the most
dynamic action. (Yes) The ability you exercise and earn in approaching that
center gives you mastery over the action. You may have to think about that
one for a while. (students laugh)
Student: Yes, I will.
MICHAEL: While you are here in My presence, I can give you some feeling of
these realities. Do you feel you have enough to consider for a while?
Student: Yes, Father, I do. Thank You very much. Its actually very good
to have an inquiry like this. I havent really had one in a long time--to
look forward to, to look into, to discover. Thank You very much.
MICHAEL: You are very welcome, My son, for all of the above. Its a true
delight for Me when you can experience these things that are so subtle, and
yet so powerful. (Yes) I invite you to keep stretching for My peace.
(Yes, thank You)
Student: Dear Michael: I would ask for some insight in the near future in
helping my daughter and her boyfriend, J M, as they...in their amazing
things to help improve the world. Thank You.
MICHAEL: Yes, My son, could I ask you to be a little more specific as to
what part of their work you may be uncertain about?
Student: Yes. My daughter in particular has asked for help in writing her
book, and it seems to be about the soul. She uses PRH, and her divinity
school teachings, and some of the Urantia; and her boyfriend seems to be
really extending himself to help the computer world, help individuals keep
things private. That technology seems to be of advantage to the whole
world. And as they try to run a household, please help me fit in with them
and be of real service.
MICHAEL: Yes, My son, so your concern is very much with your relationship
here, how you can help them in their chosen endeavors. (Yes)
MICHAEL: Weve talked about openness so much, openness towards others, that
perhaps We need to think of it in a fresh new way. Consider a balance
between what you might think of as the outgoing expression of yourself, and
the incoming self-expression of another. It calls for the need to be
suspended, and suspended rather completely, so you can take in another.
(Balancing incoming and outgoing)
Im sure you can recall some of the lessons We gave about the spiritual
value of self-forgetfulness. (Yes) This is the greatest gift you can give
to another while you are in their presence. Just let go of yourself,
inside, and take them in, so you can respond fully to what they just have
given you. This is the real knack of being spontaneous: letting go of
yourself and trusting your ability will grow, your ability to respond to
them adequately, fully.
This is a kind of sacrifice of your own agendas, your own pre-judgments and
expectations for, when you think about it, this is what makes conversation,
and being with ones friends, really worth while, really lively and fun.
This is when neither party is striving to achieve some previously designed
agenda. When both are spontaneously relating to each other, the overriding
spirit they both possess can come into play. Think of it as an
extra-personal spontaneity making its appearance. This is just another name
for those really good times youve known with someone else. Youve both had
a wonderful journey and ended up somewhere neither could have foreseen. You
were each all the more delighted, and delightful, for that very reason.
Here you are each offering and giving to the other that which you cannot do
by yourself alone. You are finding a way of tuning into a dynamic that is a
true gestalt, and has its own life. This is all the more important, My son,
the closer your living quarters become. You find a way of granting each
other this kind of space and response. It also means being very sensitive
to when someone else needs to be alone with themselves. And so, secure in
yourself, you can accept this without any feelings of being rejected or put
off, because you are capable of taking any response from another person with
These are all enormous abilities of self-confidence. They really help when
you are living with someone else. This is your deep respect for another
Does this help when you consider these relationships, My son?
Student: Yes, it does, dear Michael, its very comforting, and very frank
and fair. On that note, Id ask for a little help with the definition of
fairness that my brother and I work with all the time. In the Urantia book,
its mentioned as wisdom adjusted by mercy. I find that the most profound,
and a little bit exciting--the ethics required to really be fair.
MICHAEL (after a very log pause): There are several concepts all so closely
tied together its hard to know exactly where to start--as you put the
(Justice, mercy, and fairness)
Justice is a quality thats seldom possible of achieving by a singular
entity other than God himself. So you are informed in The Urantia book,
justice is largely a matter of group assessment; on the largest scale, by
the Trinity: its a Trinity function. Yet the Trinity itself is secondary
to Gods mercy; and so you end up with a concept of justice tempered with
mercy. At the same time you know that from Gods point of view there is no
separation between the two.
It is Gods ability to apply this justice-tempered-with-mercy absolutely
equally to any being in any situation whatsoever that strikes the human soul
as fair. This is often expressed in the saying that God is no respecter of
persons. There is no favoritism being played in terms of His ultimate
reality. But as it works itself out, this is an unfathomable mystery for
God answers to no one. Why He seems to save one individual in one
situation, while another, in a seemingly identical situation
isseemingly--allowed to perish: who could possibly understand that mystery
without seeing the complete souls, the complete beings of the two
individuals involved?
And so cosmic fairness as you see it worked out is very much a matter of
faith in the essential nature of God. Within human society there is a
microcosm of this very same attitude. Fairness implies all individuals
being treated equally, in the context of similar situations. Does this
help your understanding, My son?
Student: Yes, it does, dear Michael. One word that came up in our
discussion is that compassion might be a way of
an attitude to carry, as we
try to be fair. That one word alone is hard to wrestle with. If we have an
attitude of compassion, its easy maybe to get the insight to do the fair
thing. Is that a good idea?
MICHAEL: Yes, very much so. In this sense compassion is just another name
for mercy. It is merciful not to be prejudiced and pre-judge someone. It
is merciful and compassionate to consider another in all of their abilities
and limitations. It is compassionate and merciful to strive for this
fairness. Is there anything else you wish to question, My son?
Student: I think thats a fair amount. Thanks again.
MICHAEL: And be in My peace. (very long pause)
Do you have any questions or comments this evening, D ?
Student: Ive been thinking over the past week about what Mother said to me
about my over-generosity of giving people second, third and fourth chances.
And I wonder why I do that in spite of the pain it causes me at times, and
how it can lead to my own detriment. I do know it challenges me, and there
is a part of me that wants to give the people the benefit of the doubt,
because I have a high regard for who they are within themselves. I guess
the pain I feel is when--and this is my own expectation--is when I see a
person, or persons fall short. I feel they could do better, or theyre not
seeing the total picture, or theyre caught up in patterns. I realize
thats my own judgment, and my own moral indignation, but the pain is very
and I remembered You asked me too about my freedom in this situation, or
in any situation that creates pain within, even though I may be dragged
along. So Ive been focusing on that and allowing myself, my true self, to
override my egotistic reactions to what someone outside is doing. It seems
kind of self-defeating if Im causing myself pain over someone elses action
outside of me. That would be a living hell, if I reacted to everyones--You
know--irrationalities. So what Ive gleaned, and weve talked about this
many times before, is to really be present, and to experience all this, and
experience my freedom, short-lived as it might be. And so its like, one of
the things I thought about as I was laying in bed the other day is, what
Jesus must have been experiencing as He was tortured and then crucified,
because He knew and loved the people who were torturing Him. Im not saying
Im experiencing that, but that was what came to mind. He didnt lash out
and become all angry, and anxious, and whatever. He knew the higher
purpose, the higher ground that was happening. He knew that the people who
were doing what was being done to him were not coming from a place of
reality, of truth, of love.
So that is the challenge for me, because when I see something I feel is
wrong or irrational, I too can say to myself that if they came from a place
of truth, if they truly knew and understood who they were, and are, and will
be, then they wouldnt do that action, or say those words. Maybe what Im
presenting is too lofty and too high-minded. But this is the best way I can
vocalize what Ive been experiencing the past few days.
What Ive noticed too is that there have been certain things that Ive read
the past few days as well, from different sources, different books that
kind-of reiterate that: to get beyond my own limited reactions which do no
good for anyone, do not help the situation at all, do not be healing, do not
honor who they are or myself, do not bring any fresh air, or discoveries, or
possibility of dialogue.
MICHAEL: D, if I could help clarify these points, I think Mother was saying
there is no such thing as over-generosity. If you are giving someone so
many chances, this is just your way of evaluating this persons behavior.
She pointed to a increasing ability of decisiveness, with at the same time
an ever growing sensitivity to yourself and others, so you dont throw out
the baby with the bath, if you will, and throw out your tender sensibilities
in order to be decisive.
(Decisiveness and freedom)
But I was suggesting, in terms of freedom, for you to ask yourself in a
situation with another person, what is keeping you there? What within you
is choosing this contact; or indeed, are you choosing this contact, or are
you simply unable to break it off? So we got into a discussion of: if you
are choosing to keep certain options of the future open, certain
possibilities you would like to see, there is a price for this. It helps
for you to be aware you are continually choosing to pay this price to keep
the contact.
If you feel you are not able to break away, this is something you have to
look at. This implies some kind of addiction, or entrapment, or some
genuine inability on your part you have to wonder about, and accept all the
way down to the bedrock of reality: you are choosing what is happening to
you. It takes the question out of the realm of being overly-generous, which
could be just an ego-reflection. It is actually overly-complicated because
you can understand this, and are striving not be judgmental.
The purpose of asking yourself where your freedom lies is to determine if
you are divided against yourself, which is quite common. The function of
your personality is to unify all these parts of you, but no one is perfect
at this right out of the gate. This is something you will be studying for
many lifetimes to come, for it is a goal to strive forthis unity within
yourself. I offer these tools, sometimes just for the sake of freedom
itself. You have to make decisions.
Once long ago We gave a lesson on how some of these decisions will have a
quality of arbitrariness about them because as much as you try to weigh all
of the considerations involved, there is a final point at which you weigh
in, yourself. From this point of view, this is arbitrary. None of the
constituent factors are telling you which way to go. You choose to go this
way or that. This is you. This is decisiveness. This is why it is so
necessary to stay open and sensitive to what you are doing to someone else
by this decision. So I am not implying you do not make the decision. You
just do not fool yourself as to what you are doing.
We even looked at the case where you have to decide for someone else because
only you are capable of making such a decision. So you accept the
consequences. You add them to your soul; they become a part of you. This
is what Mother meant when She said you have to find a way of evaluating what
youre doing in some other way than by the pain it is causing you: why is it
abrading you? I know that is one you are going to have to think about.
(students laugh) How do you choose without being cavalier, or disregardful
of others? But it is also, My son, just one more step up.
Student: Well, in a sense a decision has been made, about the other person.
But its taking a long time to come into fruition. It does feel like Im
being dragged along. So I have to bite my tongue and bide my time for
something to happen.
MICHAEL: Yes, but are you choosing to do so?
Student: Choosing to
MICHAEL: Be dragged along. Could you not simply break the contact at any
time? (Hmmm
) Where is your freedom here?
Student: Its not as easy as that. Because I have expressed these things
to herthat I feel like Im being dragged along. Can she understand?
MICHAEL: But you, My son, feel the necessity not to let any other being
control you.
Student: Ill look at that. And why I allow that to happen. I mean I
cant go and say, I need to get on with my lifeget out! I want to be fair.
MICHAEL: That is a choice, is it not? You could do that. (I could
) So
you are choosing not to. (Yes) You see, My son, Im trying to get you down
to this bedrock where you are choosing to do what you are doing.
Yeah) But do you feel free?
Student: Times I do, and times I dont. (laughter, Michael included)
Thats how I started this whole thing! Its a matter of my attitude about
it. If I come from a place of spirit, and understand what are the processes
going on, then I feel free. If I feel like Im being dragged along, that
shes procrastinating and I cannot live my life, then I dont feel free. If
I come from the spiritual place, then things will move along more smoothly,
for all of us. Im in a place of honoring her and all shes going through.
If I feel Im being dragged, then Im angry at everyone. And thats not a
place of freedom.
MICHAEL: Well, you are slowly understanding how it works. You have to grow
in spiritual power so you can evaluate these two contrary attitudes you get
into. You have to value the one greater than the other, so when this lesser
kind of worry, or anxiety pops up, you realize it is so much the lesser.
Its just what you are getting caught up in. This is gaining spiritual
maturitythe spiritual part.
Student: Its interesting as I go through that process of allowing and
honoring everyone involved, my ego saysexcuse the expressionwhat the hell
are you doing? Shes never going to leave. Push! Push! Tell her to get
out! But I know thats not cool. Each person here is infinite potential,
is life. So
thank You-again! (much laughter)
MICHAEL: D, I think you are getting a real grasp on what is sometimes
called a rounda closed circle; or a roller-coaster of up and down,
emotionally. The only way out is to exercise the freedom to break the
Student: Yes, I understand that, and the day is fast approaching.
MICHAEL: Until that time just try to do your best to recognize what
attitude you are in. Some people getting out of certain kinds of drug
addiction--which are just other kinds of closed circles or
roller-coasters--experience what they correctly call, stinking thinking.
You simply have to recognize it as such, and not credit it. Otherwise you
just feed it. This is what I mean by value. You have to value your freedom
of mind even if it means going to some pains to exercise it, to be content
with where you are. The choice is yours.
Student: Ill tell you one thing: Im not content with where I am. I guess
thats obvious. But I do thank You.
MICHAEL: You re welcome, My son. Just feel--to find My peace. I welcome
you with open arms.
(The power of choice)
So, My children, we come face to face with choices and decisions in our
lives. As you alluded to My life as Jesus a little earlier, I was fortunate
enough that by the time this final, supreme trial came upon Me, My human
half--if you wish to think of it this way--My full humanity had matured to
the point that, as a human being I was able to hang on moment by moment, and
find the grace to accept and realize what was happening to Me, and continue
to choose it, for I had the power of that choice. This is what Mother
Spirit and I mean when We say, More power to you! Dont be afraid of power.
The greatest evil in the world has been done by powerless people, as
strange and ironic as that may seem at first hearing. We invite you to say
and deeply experience within yourself, in addressing our Universal Father:
It is my will that Your will be done. For that is the only way it happens:
He gives this much of himself to us. There is His power, and there is
self-power, and we try to make these two, one. Be in My peace. Good
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