[tmtranscripts] Welmek, January 30, 2003

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Tue Feb 11 16:35:18 PST 2003

January 30, 2003
Center for Christ Consciousness, Larkspur, CA

This is your friend and teacher Welmek.  Stay in your state of stillness.
 Bring your thoughts into the awareness of your indwelling Father
Fragment, the Spirit of God within. Tonight’s instruction will be on the
topic of Harmonizing Your Thoughts with the Father’s.  

Last week you were given an exercise so you could experience a subtle
distinction in your internal environment between your thinking and then
sensing the subtle differences when you ask to be in communion with your
indwelling spirit.  Tonight, as we go more deeply into the instruction of
deepening your stillness practice, it will be helpful to you to feelingly
appreciate the workings of this most wonderful, heavenly gift within your
mind.  What your Thought Adjuster tries to do is to take your thoughts
–how you think and what you think—and to create the spiritual counterpart
in order for you to detect the presence of your Creator Father within
this expansive awareness of your consciousness.  

Hold it within your mind the intention that you would ask that your
Father’s thoughts prevail now within your mind.  You do not need to
anticipate what the thoughts are.  Still your mental currents as much as
possible by breathing, by relaxing, by having no real thought of your
own, and asking for the Father’s thoughts now to spring forth anew within
your mindal environment; those thoughts the Father now wishes for you
experience.  Spend a few moments in letting this harmonization occur. 

Embedded deeply within you are seeds of the Father’s reality, the actual
ideas and ideals of the Father in Paradise.  These ideas and ideals are
potentials that are waiting to be born in you as new conceptual
awarenesses and meaningful experiences to add new texture and depth and
value to your life.  

Allow your mind to now open so these seeds can burst through to the
surface and become more consciously known and appreciated as a new
revelation of truth – a new experience of goodness, and add to the beauty
in your evolving soul.  (Pause.) This is the ministry of your Mystery
Monitor within your mind.
Now I invite you to think of a particular problem you have been
experiencing.  Focus on this problem.  Sense if it causes you anxiety. 
Sense if it seems to cause or create confusion or perplexity within you. 
When you have sensed this, step back, tell your mind that you are now
ready to open yourself up to the Father, and invite His counsel, and to
spring forth the seed-idea that will create new conceptual and experience
awarenesses within your mind.  Take a few moments and let the Father work
within you.  (Long pause.)

Stay in your stillness state.  Let the currents of your mind be slowed
and be opened.  I am interested to hear of the awareness that you
experienced of the Father’s presence within your mind?  If you received a
distinct answer, that is fine.  I am not interested in that as much as
what did you experience in feeling-content, and if there was a noticeable
distinction within the quality of the thought that you experienced in
noticing, in discerning the leadings of the Adjuster within your mind. 
Please feel free to share with me when you are moved to do so.   

Student:  Welmek, what I experienced the quality of the thought and the
thoughts that flowed through my mind are that of compassion, of love, of
tolerance, patience, of understanding for the situation and the people
I’ve brought to mind.  So I would assume this would be the leadings of
the Father because it had the underlying current of what I know to be the
Father’s love.  That’s what I’d like to share with you. 

Welmek:  Do you still sense this now as you are speaking to me?  (Yes, I
do.)  I would like you to gauge within your own internal environment how
long you are able to retain these feelings within you, and how long you
feel this connection being able to be maintained.  

Student:  The connection seems to come in short bursts or periods,
probably because my inner doubts will surface perhaps, or my inability to
carryout the instruction that I received, and so I have difficulty
holding this sensing of the Father for long periods.  But that’s changing
too. Day-by-day it seems to be softening.  I seem to sense these thought
patterns more and more.  Because I desire to hear the Father, and so I
consciously request this as often as possible.  

Welmek:  What you are allowing to occur within your mind is simply the
natural occurrence of creating more room in your life for the Father to
co-exist with you mutually in peace and in love, and conscious communal
cooperation.  The doubts you are experiencing are the outgrowth of the
evolutionary nature as it tries to retain its foothold within your mind,
and as it is also being, at the same time, pushed out of your mindal
environment by the compelling work of your indwelling spirit.  

When your doubts surface in your consciousness, this is an excellent time
for you to open your mind, as it were, and to let the illumination of the
Father’s light onto the doubts and thereby dispel them.  

You, in your own thinking cannot control your doubts, nor are you able to
rid yourself of them.  This is not your responsibility.  Your task at
hand is to invite the presence of the Father – the hand of the Father –
to actually come into your mind and to create the illumination, to create
the dynamic within your mind for that thought seed of faith to uproot any
and all of the doubt and transform it into strengthening, courageous,
dynamic living trust that strengthens your connection with the Father. 
Do you understand how you can thus free your mind from this doubt and

Student:  Yes, my friend, I will take this task joyfully and willingly. 
It gives me comfort to know it’s not my job to prevent these doubts from
coming to mind.  It is simply my job to invite the Father in to shine His
laser light of love to dissolve them.  And this I will do!  

Welmek:  Do you think it will make it easier for you to become free from
them in this way?  

Student:  This is just one more tool to clean out the mental environment
so there is more room for the Father’s love and light to come through. 
So in that sense, yes it will make it easier.

Welmek:  Be ever mindful that there are many doubts and areas of your
mind that require, as you say, this cleaning out.  The composition of
your thoughts over your years of your life have certain established
thought-ideations.  By this I mean, you will not always understand or be
aware of where your doubts are springing forth, and it is not so
important to understand this, as it is just to recognize they are the
product of the unspiritized mind, and to always invite the Father to grow
the seed of faith within your mind to uproot the doubt and to transform
it.  And this is all that is required of you.  

Student:  Thank you for bringing it in such simple terms.  (You are most
welcome, my friend.)  

Student:  Welmek, during this exercise, I first experienced a relaxation
and peace with the exception of certain parts of my body and that are
stubbornly tight, but my mind then expanded to release some of my small
thoughts and I became aware of some ancestors.  Just the thought of
expanding to include them in my thoughts, and then expanded even out into
some kind of universal peace of some kind.  

Then our exercise to focus on a problem area brought me to come back to a
place of seeing the problem that I was interested in addressing in my
life in a new way.  It’s worth sharing that thing.  

I saw the problem and felt it, everything that led up to the current
state of the problem being sort of separated from the current problem,
and all of that led up to the current state of the problem and just sort
of fell away.  And then I was seeing just the problem as it exists, and
it felt much less cumbersome and worrisome.  It just seemed like a simple
problem then, and one that should be addressed by dealing with it as it
exists now, without worrying too much about how it got to the state it
is.  And it felt like a wonderful lesson in higher consciousness of some
kind and a freeing feeling. 

Welmek:  And how would you express your desire to trust that there is a
benevolent presence within you that is always helping you, and on your
side working on your behalf?  What would you say would be your attitude
toward this?  

Student:  I think I need to connect with that more, and trust it more. I
think that a lot of what leads up to a lot of my problems is the lack of
trust and faith.  And it’s hard for me to know when to take action in a
situation, and when to just allow it to unfold.  So, these are issues
that I am struggling with often.  It’s not easy to know when to act and
when to just be receptive and patient and all that.

Welmek:  Do you think that you would be able to use the exercise this
evening, and asking for a deeper understanding of the distinction between
action and waiting with a watchful eye?  Do you feel that you could use
this as a way to sort through your doubts and confusion of this issue you
are facing?

Student:  Would that mean going into stillness and asking for the
Father’s will and wisdom to enter the situation and help me see clearly,
and how best to act?  

Welmek:  That is one way to put it.  Another way would be to ask for
wisdom and follow the leadings of your indwelling Spirit to guide you
into the correct behavior, whether it is to move forward into dynamic
action or to spend time in watching a situation develop.  The most
important factor is that you use your Spirit Fragment to help you
overcome the doubts you experienced.  

And while my answer to R. about doubts was expressed to him, this was in
reality something that all humans experience, therefore this answer is
relevant to everyone who experiences doubts. 

This is a time to begin to use your mind in a manner that is consistent
with the Father’s will.  And the Father wishes to share all of your life
with you to help you understand how to do things, how to live life the
way the Father would live life.  And so there are no circumstances of
your life that are too mundane or insignificant that He will not guide

Spend time in stillness and ask for the wisdom and for the courage to act
in the way that He is guiding you.  Be open to allowing the doubts, the
confusion to have this seed of courage and wisdom and faith to uproot
everything that is causing you anxiety within your mind.  There is always
an answer.  There is always a way to learn of the Father’s ways.  There
is always a new idea, and a new sensing of patience or courage or hope or
strength, or compassion or tolerance that will always be able to spring
forth within your mind and keeping your connection with the Father
strong.  Do you have any questions about this, or are you fairly clear in
your mind what this entails now in your thoughts and in your stillness

Student:  Yes, it resonates with my intuitive desire to have the Father’s
wisdom and higher qualities reflected in my being.  And I thank you for
clarifying it, and reinforcing my charter.  

Welmek:  It gives me great pleasure to assist you!  Have you any other
comments on your experience this evening C.?  

Student:  No, I just think that asking the Father for wisdom as you
suggested and being open will be a great path for me to remember and
follow.  Thank you.  (You are most welcome my friend.)  

Student: Welmek, when I just did the exercise a little bit ago, what came
to mind is what’s been happening the last few months, especially I think
since we’ve been talking with Michael.  I don’t know if it’s the Thought
Adjuster, but a bit of wisdom I seem to be getting, and that is the pure
relativity of perception, is that I seem to be perceiving more. That’s a
new thing for me and it’s exercising my trust that this is a good thing
to be so emotional sometime, like I can hardly talk or really be in

But it is a wonderful thing, because all of a sudden I’m losing myself in
becoming more aware of people around me and I’m starting to perceive all
the tiny fluctuations and things in their attention, and so this
relativity I’m speaking of; it helps to be reminded of every now and then
that I’m changing.  And so if I notice ever so minutely how their
attention leaves me, I don’t feel offended that I’m seeing this
indifference towards me.  I’m simply aware that this is happening.  So
it’s been wonderful; I’ve been getting a kind of equanimity, a kind of
balance and a poise with some of my co-workers.  I had one who’s my
immediate supervisor who’s English, and has a touch of class about him,
and feels moved to kind of put me in my place form time-to-time, but I
don’t take offence about it, it’s just him, so I just take it with a
certain amount of equanimity, and the next time we meet he seems almost
happy that I’m not taking offence.  It’s been very wonderful, Welmek, to
be reminded that I’m the one He’s changing, and that’s why the world is

Welmek:  And from what you have expressed, would it not be a giant step
forward for social progress if all of your brethren could perceive other
people from this vantage point?  For it would greatly enhance
relationships when people do not react with hurt feelings or the
awareness that they were somehow at fault or misunderstood.  And so what
you are describing to me is the evolving quality of the brotherhood of
humanity as your awareness grows of the Father’s presence within your
mind.  So are you beginning to perceive your fellows from this heightened
perspective.  And how could you not love them and understand them and
begin to appreciate them in much more descriptive detail, because you are
seeing more of their personality?  And you are undertanding more of the
limitations within them; and is this not allindicative of how our Master
related to people?  He knew their limitations, and yet He was able to
love each individual and to minister to them exactly where they were, and
provide those words of upliftment to their spirit that fed their soul and
gave them hope, and fostered harmonious relationships.  

This is what you are engaged in, my friend.  And I honor that which has
transpired within you.  Let this blossom into a deepened appreciation and
spark newfound love in your soul that will fill you with such peace and
joy, and render you even more spiritually fragrant to your brethren.  You
are only becoming more beautiful, and it is a joy to behold.  

Student:  Thank you Welmek for setting the example these last years now,
we’ve been friends.  The example of this profound respect you show us. 
It’s very moving!  

Welmek:  I understand.  You who live on this planet have seen the
devaluation of human life.  And we are here to help you in the
restoration of the dignity that is your birthright as a child of God. 
You are only being accorded that which is yours to own.  And always
remember, my friends, to render this to others.  Above all else, respect
them as a child of the Father.  And in that respect, they will feel your
love.  (And in that respect also, Welmek, may they shine more right back
at you!)  Yes, it is most assuredly, a soul growing experience! 

Welmek:  Are there any more who would wish to share their experiences?  

Student:  Yes, dear Welmek, I realized my focus and anxiety was at too
many loose ends.  And then I was able to visualize sort of a yellow eye,
and then a light blue eye of the Thought Adjuster, and the idea that
really the solution to that confusion is just really acknowledging the
Thought Adjuster so that your day is calmer and your mind can handle all
those loose ends.  It’s helped me acknowledge what may deal with my
problem, and the immediate solution of it.  And it felt like the
Comforter – like the Spirit of Truth as well.  It seems to be a
long-range solution from now on.  

Welmek:  Were you able to detect within that experience an increased
index of peace?

Student:  Yes, that felt like that was the Comforter part.  Once again,
the peace that surpasses all understanding, that I have had known in the
past, and the further bonding with the Thought Adjuster, which is always
so pleasurable and replete.

Welmek:  And would you say that this peace was able to be experienced at
a deeper level, and more encompassing your mind and being?  

Student:  I think it is a deeper level, because it brings it up to the
present, from where it‘s been embedded sort of in the past, or as a seed,
or as a memory.  It seems to bond it to the practical, mindal

Welmek:  And how would you qualify this as being experienced actually
within your cellular physiology?  Will you be able to comment on that
this evening?

Student:  Well, I would think that, on the cellular level it’s a calmness
in my heart area, especially since I’ve greatly reduced caffeine in my
life, and the fact that it almost feels palpable in the mind.

Welmek:  Do you feel it in your heart, or think you sense it?

Student:  Well, I seemed to have felt on the physiological level, a
grounding, a feeling like in my lower abdomen.

Welmek:  Let this comfort go deep within you when you experience the
leadings of your Thought Adjuster in this way.  Invite your body to open
more deeply and to absorb this peace more fully within your cells.  The
physiological structure of your body can accept the peace which passes
all understanding, and slow you down to make your life less frenetic, to
open your heart and to actually pace you on the way the Father would wish
you to live your life.  As you feel this peace, now go deeper and invite
it into your body.  Let it overtake you.  Let your body receive and
yield.  And let it begin to create new physiological responses within
your cells that will give you a more healthful response to your daily
activities.  Do you understand my meaning?

Student:  I do!  I can already feel it, so that I know it’s what will
help me to be, as you say, more effective as well, and probably for
longer.  (Do you have any other questions on this idea that I present to
you?)  Just a feeling of an overall sense of gratitude and maybe some
advice on that daily feeling of gratitude that would probably help all

Welmek:  The gratitude is expressed in your worship of the Father.  And
you have in this gratitude set up a time of response where the Father can
reflect back to you His love for you, and this will bring you further
peace and comfort deep within you.  It all works so harmoniously together
– how could you go wrong? (Thank you!)  You are most welcome, my friend! 

Student: Yes, Welmek as I allow myself to be immersed in the Father’s
presence from within me, I feel this deep sense of richness and
expansiveness where I no longer think about situations that are negative
or problematic; they just kind of fall away.  And where instead of being,
instead of thinking about love, I am love.  Instead of thinking of
compassion, I am compassion.  Thinking of about going to be of service, I
am naturally of service.  And that instead of thinking about being
beautiful, I am beautiful; and not only for myself, but I see it within
each and every person, if I allow myself to be in this place.  It’s quite
uplifting.  And I cannot start my day, no matter how much I have to do; I
cannot start my day unless I am in His presence.  There is no other way
to be.  And my work goes so much more harmoniously, and unimpeded, no
matter how tired I might be physically or mentally.  

Welmek:  This is the conscious co-operative relationship of allowing your
life to be shared with your Creator.  It is walking with God; it is being
with God each moment of your life.  You give the Father an opportunity to
experience life through you.  He brings all of His attributes, and adds
them into you, so that you are His Love, you are His Goodness, you are
His Beauty with your own particular way you express it in the world. 
Your Adjuster is patiently, faithfully, earnestly desiring to help you
achieve this.  My friends, do you not realize the joy that you will
experience in allowing this to transpire in your life?  Your life can
only get better and more meaningful by allowing this exquisite presence
becoming more dominant.  In sharing your life with God, God shares
everything He has to give with you.  There is no possible way you would
ever be deprived of the love and the wisdom and the patience and the
goodness that you need.  It is unthinkable.  Let Him shine forth all of
those lovely and desirable qualities that ennoble and dignify human life.
 What more could you want to experience?  The doubts, the fears are all a
part of this evolutionary nature that you were given by the Father, so
that it would propel you into a dynamic relationship to seek a better
way.  Your existing evolutionary nature is something now to begin to
yield more fully into the hands of the Father who only wants to create in
you the spiritual, real, living and dynamic quality of the Father’s
personality.  Let your lives be transformed.  Let your personalities be
blended.  Let Him experience life through you.  In giving Him room in
your mind, you are giving room in your life for eternal joy, infinite
wisdom, and unending love.  

D., the challenge to you now is to continue to allow this to unfold, and
to engage your conscious awareness moment by moment in sharing your life
with the Father, as it is all of  your challenges now.  You are not
expected to be perfect at allowing this to happen.  Take these few
moments during your day and recognize that it is the Father who is there
wishing to share everything that you are experiencing.  When you do this,
you are inviting how He would wish to experience life through you, and
thereby being able to fill you with everything you need to do this
according to His ways and His will.  Do not hesitate to spend as much
time as you can in recognizing this, and to bringing your attention in
the small moments of the day, and inviting Him to share.  And He will
fill you with joy in being in the moment and savoring a communion of
love, of peace and of happiness as you go hand-in-hand through life
together.  (Pause.)  Are there any other comments or questions about the
idea of harmonizing your mind with the Father’s before we conclude?  

Student:  Welmek this is K., I’ve come to these sessions but I haven’t
spoken to you before.  I just had a simple question about being more
spiritual, and keeping a spiritual diary.  I’ve been trying to do those
things, and I find it difficult with a busy day to consistently do that. 
And I wanted to ask you for some ideas on how to improve my progress in
doing those things?  

Welmek:  It will be helpful for you, if you write in your diary at a time
when you are mentally alert, and feel more spiritually connected with
your Indwelling Sprit.  The pressing matters of the day can always take
precedence unless you carve out a specific time period for you to spend
in your journaling; whether it is fifteen, twenty, thirty, or forty
minutes a day.  But I would suggest that you find this time period when
you are most alert and spiritually aware, and begin to regularly practice
this.  Daily as the ideal, and to allow some time for your being to
adjust to doing this, and to create a new habit so that when this period
of time in your day commences you will automatically remember and respond
to your journaling practice.  Keep this practice simple, and you will
find that it will become a very enjoyable and intimate time of day to
spend with your Spirit.  But it is now most advisable that you create
this time for this to occur.  Does this help?  

Student:  Very much!  And it’s very much in line with my getting my life
more organized, and to be more goal oriented so that I’m more efficient
in doing things.  And your answer, your suggestion is excellent.  I will
definitely try it – carve out a time.  I feel more spiritual at night
before I go to sleep, so I think I’ll try to carve out some time, keep it
simple and consistent.  Thank you.

Welmek:  Those are the two most important factors in the beginning.  And
remember that there will be those fluctuations in your willingness to do
this: from the very enthusiastic to the choreful attitude.  And be aware
that you will have these feelings, but please remember to try, at least,
ten to fifteen minutes each day because the habitual reaction will become
automatic over time with dedicated and daily practice.  

Student:  Well, I’ll certainly give it a try, and make it ten to fifteen
minutes.  That’s an easy way to start.  Thank you, Welmek.  (You are most
welcome, my dear!) 

Student: Welmek, I’d like to ask you a question that has come to mind at
this last two weeks.  You speak of the Father taking great joy and
experiencing our experiences together.  This is confusing to me a bit,
because as I know the Father, He is all potentials, and all actuals at
all times, so that I would assume that He’s already aware of these
experiences.  So that brings confusion to my mind when you say that He
takes great joy in experiencing our experiences together.  Can you
clarify that?  

Welmek:  You know from your text of the experiential quality of deity
that is emerging in the Supreme Being.  And while it will be some time
before you are experientially aware of this evolving Supreme Being, can
you hold within your mind the paradoxical quality of the Father whose
immense personality allows for the enjoyment of the potential and actual
at the same time?  

Student:  Yes, I’ll hold the paradox.  I’m aware of the Supreme, but when
we talk about the Indwelling Sprit, that the essence of the Father – the
Father Fragment, and so that’s why there’s this paradox.

Welmek:  But what you are allowing to occur is the experiential quality
of allowing the Father’s will to unfold in your personality endowment and
experience.  And is this not a constituent component of the Supreme

Student: Yes, I see the connection.  (Does this answer your question?) 
Yes, it has!  Thank you.  

Welmek:  My dear friends, we are embarked upon a heightened course of
study in helping you achieve more efficient levels of thinking and
conceptual recognition in preparation for increased awareness of the
Father’s ministry in your mind.  All along this was part of our agenda
and ministering and teaching you as our younger brothers and sisters.  We
were here to inspire you to grow spiritually in your comprehension of the
reality that exists beyond physical senses, and to trigger greater
interest and desire in having a participatory relationship with your
Inner Spirit.  And now, over these last few years, we are at the stage
where your minds have been opened and tilled to receive this heightened

This week bring your intention to having your mind harmonized with the
Father’s Mind. Spend time in stillness in asking for this to occur.  I
will be very interested to hear your experiences as we continue this
in-depth exploration of the work of the Thought Adjusters in your mind,
as we go into the stillness and deepen our relationship with our
wonderful Creator.  Good evening! 

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