[tmtranscripts] JarEl Transcript 7-5-99

hzer hzer at email.msn.com
Sat Jul 24 22:01:16 PDT 1999

Subject: mind

Arcadia Teaching Mission, 8 attended

July 5, 99

t/r henry

Jarel; Greetings to you my friends. It is I, Jarel. We will continue tonight discussing the phenomena of mind. This seemed a worthy topic of discussion at our last encounter, and one which is well worth continuing.

What is mind? Lets look at certain aspects of mind. Mind as you are familiar with, gives you a sense of identity, of person-ness in a somewhat cognitive and analytical sense. Mind is associative. You are able to look at something and associate a thought with how you perceive something. You are able to look at two separate and unique and unrelated things and make associations between them. You are constantly receiving what would be called thoughts, mental activity. The mind is attached to the human physical mechanism in a way which works with your brain. It actually is part of your whole being. Though for the most part, a lot of what you perceive as mind activity, occurs in the brain.

Mind is an aspect of all life forms. It is through mind initially that life form takes its evolution. Mind is the gift from spirit that enables spirit to contact the life being, human mortals. It is also for mortal to contact spirit. In this aspect it is like a receiving and sending station. There are other aspects of mind, the will aspect. What is this will aspect? The mind is endowed with the capacity to choose. This is one aspect of will. The mind is endowed with a determination, this is will. The mind imagines, this is also will. The mind causes the subject of its habitation, to act. This also is will.

So you begin to sense that mind is possessed of a tremendous capacity, and you begin to sense that will activates this capacity. It is the activation of this endowment, the capacity of your mind and your will, which is the ultimate and higher purpose at play here. Let us look briefly at the spirit influence to mind. There is for all practical terms, the basic service, the universe Mother Spirit circuitry commonly known through the Urantia texts as the adjutant mind spirits. This is given to all life form--animal--plant. Yes even plants, though they don't posses the animal type of brain to express certain aspects of mind, non the less all living life is endowed with mind. Not all living life is endowed with personality. With personality endowments, there are more spiritual circuit connections. It is only personalities' capable of will prerogatives and will endowment to connect with the higher adjutants, the higher spiritual circuits in the universe, The spirit of wisdom and the spirit of worship.

These spiritual circuits are prerequisite for the indwelling of the thought adjusters, fragments of Universal Father. This fact, makes use of the whole mind circuitry. Out of reverence and respect for the Universal Father, these circuits are in place at the time of his bestowal within each and every one of you, as little children. The other and important spiritual circuit which has been available to this planet since the time of the Michael bestowal is the Spirit of Truth. This circuit is a spiritual circuit. It is a spiritual circuit of active motivation, of transformation, of brotherhood.

The Father's circuit is somewhat personal, and to clarify that I use the term personal because the Father's Spirit is customized to each and every one of you. It is meant to activate your personality which is also His endowment. The Spirit of truth, the bestowed spirit of the creator son, is a social spirit, an activating spirit. It is the spirit of transformation in which you begin to activate in a much more positive and social sense, for the nature of spirit is connection, interaction, interassociation, oneness and wholeness. We begin to see that mind is somewhat of a phenomena.

Another aspect to mind is the genetic endowment in which mind interfaces. This is only important, to understand why some individuals have a greater propensity for mind and mind activity than others. This is inherited. All mind is the same. Each person's relation to this mind is not, the same.

So you are thinking, How can I access greater potential from this endowment? This is a very good question, and is not one with a blanket answer. This is where it become important for the individual to begin to interact with the spirit influences, endowed to your mind and personality. This is why it is important to contact, in mind, this indwelling presence. For it is the endowment of the thought adjuster, which creates the tremendous potential for personality to express itself, in and through mind, and that aspect of mind which activates will.

Make no mistake! It is tremendous gift you are given. A very real situation exists for each and every one of you to grow, in knowing, who you are! And in realizing what you must do here, and to begin to create who you are becoming. This is the tremendous gift given to you. It is through the aspect of change and transformation, which you begin to grow into who you are becoming, who you sense and perceive who you want to be. Has it not ever happened in your life, that once you thought that if this could only be possible, and to actually have this happen to you. This is evidence of the tremendous which exists in your life today.

Now let us discuss some of the not so pleasant aspects of mind. Also one of the interesting aspects of mind as it relates to the individual and inter-relates to the physical being of the person, is that mind has the potential to pattern behavior, actually this is what it does. This behavior is patterned in many ways. Part of it is genetic, hereditary, environmental, and part of it is how one thinks. There are many thing that happens to people, that happens from the moment two cells come together to form the potential body, that you will inhabit throughout this life. Things happen in those nine months, at the moment of birth, and continue to happen to you throughout your life. These are aspects of life which you will continue to experience for quite a while to come.

So as these patterns begin to emerge. These patterns take form into all areas of activity in the human psyche, the human physical sense of being. Into how you breath, talk, look, sense, feel react, act, love, hate, frustration, depression; into how these indulgent human emotions become intermingled with thought and beingness. At some point you realize that it is time to change how you relate to the world. For many reasons and simply that how you are relating to the world now is not serving you. You are not utilizing your full potential. Certain aspects of your behavior may be holding you back. These patterns, and emotional holds on the psyche and personality, have to potential to become transformed. This is part of the spiritual influence of the indwelling spirit. That you begin to recognize to need to change. You begin to seek help in ways in which to achieve this transformation. We will continue to talk about this further on.

I'm interested to show the depth of what we are dealing with here in terms of mind. All reality takes place with this arena of mind, all perception, all thought. The potential to change who you are all begins with thought. At one time, you and this universe, this superuniverse was all thought. All thought in the mind of God. And upon utterance of this thought, transformation began to manifest. Therefore is there great power to give expression to mind, there is great power in words, are there not? There is great power in actions. There is great power in will, courage, strength, conviction, and determination. Hopefully by now there are a few questions

Student. Jarel, Is it safe to say that use of the mind is our contact with reality.

Jarel; Yes Hal, that is safe to say.

Student; Is it safe to say that there is a fine line of distinction between the use of the mind for reality and animal function. We need the mind to function in this world as an animal being. Any distinction or differentiation in the use of the mind.

Jarel; All practical purposes, this mission, these lessons, are of spiritual import When I use the term reality, I am referring to spiritual reality. Ultimately the ultimate reality is Paradise. Thought your physical being is also real, and at this level of reality you must maintain and support a level of life and happiness in relationship to this world. Yet in terms of spiritual realities, these are brought into the mind, and as they are brought into the mind, you begin to perceive and comprehend, and adapt your behavior and physical etiquette, these phenomena become more real and you sense of being becomes more grounded in reality. This is what I am referring to. It is not a judgement about the levels of reality or their value. It is about perceiving spiritual reality, down stepping, and modifying itself to uplift your present physical conditions.

Student. Does the function of the use of mind go with us into the next realm of existence, and is the mind the same mind, what is it.

Jarel. Yes, it is the same mind. What changes is that you are not limited to a genetic predisposition to mind. You are given a much better vehicle in which to house the mind, therefore your access to mind has a much greater facility to mind than the model which you have now. Not that you Hal have a bad model, or that you are not using it well. It is that you personality is better able to blossom when you are less inhibited by certain predispositions. Non the less, let me make it clear, there is tremendous importance in utilizing the endowment capacity you have at this moment, in transforming your state of existence. There are tremendous spiritual percussions associated with this activity.

Student. When the mind continues with us, what is the relationship of mind to the thought adjuster. These both go with us into the next existence. Is there any specific relationship between our mind and the thought adjuster. I know that the use of the mind then, as I have read, is how we will know the will of the Father.

Jarel; Lets get started with the word consciousness. Mind is more than consciousness. Mind is circuitry, and connection. For example, in your mind right now, sense your feet, your fingertips, the hair on your head, sense your tongue, sense the chair you are sitting on, sense a tree in the yard, sense the water as it meets the sand on the beach. Sense the sun as it beats down upon you.

As you can see, mind has the capacity to connect you through thought, It is this connection aspect of mind which is important for the thought adjuster, and its function in human consciousness. It is this aspect of mind, this aspect of consciousness in which the mortal can sense its own beingness. At the same time the thought adjuster can overlap its own beingness as you are perceiving yourself. This is also interpersonal, something in which you have to be willing to experiment with yourself in contacting God. Understand within yourself how God begins to interact and work within your mind.

Student, Well who I am will continue on in my mind, and my personality, the thought adjuster. What will go with me from the second source and center, What am I What?

Jarel; It is important to understand what you do. This is who you are, Where you come from is one thing, what you do with it defines it, and that is who you are. When you stand before that eventful day when you are questioned about your endowments, there is never question to what thoughts you had, the questions come down to what did you do with it, or didn't with it. What opportunities were available to you. The importance of mind is not greater than your ability to empress and express mind and spirit into everything that you do. Into how you relate

Student, and how do I take this with me, what I do, How does that go with me into the next life.

Jarel; That is automatic,. It is taken care for you. The thought adjuster is also your porter, who carries for you, those things which are necessary for the next worlds.

Student, What do you call the fruits of the spirit.

Javel; Fruits of the spirit appear when the activity, when the human vine, the sphere of influence and the activity of your life, the interrelationships and your beingness begin to bear fruit, begin to show evidence that you are led by the spirit, and these are spirit born fruit.

Student, I have had many experiences here on Urantia which have been destructive, which I have learned from, and from the destructive experiences, I have learned not to repeat these experiences again. It is my understanding, that the only memories we take to the next life will be spiritual in value, the good things we have done. Is this True?

Jarel; Let me ask you this? What is more important, that you made mistakes, or that from these mistakes you began to see a way to create a new pattern and live better. So where do you differentiate, in other words, to have changed, you must have some perspective, you must have done something which alerted you to initiate, to activate a program of change. When you were six and seven years old, you had certain characteristics and activities which began to change as you became an adolescent. As an adolescent you had experiences which began to transform you into becoming a young adult. As a young adult you had experiences which when you became a more mature adult you began to see the wisdom to change certain patterns of being, habits of destruction, mistakes. So what is it you are going to remember? Are you going to remember that I made a big mistake and that was it, or you going to remember, I did something with my life. I saw that it was not leading me anywhere and I did change it.

Student; That tends to build up your spiritual value, but does it actually go with you, The reason I am concerned about this is because last year ten of our friends went to the next worlds and I am concerned what is going to happen to me.

Jarel; What do you think is important to go with you, Hal?

Student, well those things I mentioned I know will go with me. Whoever I am for I gather I am beginning to believe that I am my personality from the Father, and I am my spiritual nature from the thought adjuster.

Jarel; So what you are saying is that it wasn't so important that you had a swimming pool or that you had a Cadillac or nice cloths, but there were relationships which you cherished, and there were times that you spent doing the best that you could. There was a family which you raised, a wife that you loved, that there were things which you believed in which you went for and they became who you are. So This is what is going to go with you.

Student, yes these are the spiritual values and treasures which I am storing up in heaven.

Jarel: Well you see it very correctly. It is not to say that what you have is not important, the material life you have earned for yourself, but that is not so important as to what you have done with your life, those people and influences which came to you. This is true for each and everyone of you.

Student, Jarel, If one finds themselves in a medical condition called a coma, what becomes of the state of mind, and what if one becomes hypnotic or in a state of trance what becomes of the mind.

Where is the mind.

Jarel; It seems like you are answer several things, so I will answer them one at a time. It seems that there is an interruption in the mental consciousness during a physical or medical condition. For example a person has been injured and is in a state of coma and they die. At the time of resurrection, when they are reassembled, up until the time the accident impaired their mental capacity, the records and memories are faithfully restored by the thought adjuster and the person will continue his or her life from that point on. Nothing has happened from the time of the come until death, so there is nothing to report. Another scenario in which a person in a coma wakes up after a number of years, that person is fortunate and continues to live his life. There was mental interruption in that persons activity and the person continues from the moment they went into the coma and when they come out of it they will continue their life, somewhat the same excepting that they may be somewhat dramatically altered with the recognition of the state in which they had been for several years. There is no spiritual or negative importance with this.

If a person is in a hypnotic trance, a person is brought into superconsciousness, there is no loss of mental activity, or anything which would impair that persons relationship with the thought adjuster or other spiritual influences, and when that person comes back in to consciousness, and if suggestions have been given in that state, may experience some beneficial effects from conditioning through hypnosis. At this point I am not sure of specifics you may be implying, yet these are my thoughts. What is important to understand thought, is once a thought adjuster indwells a mind, and the mind becomes so dysfunctioned as to truly and willfully negate the presence of the thought adjuster and choose to live and dwell in negligence, corruption, and evil, it is the prerogative of the thought adjuster, if the thought adjuster feels that there is absolutely no way either in this life or any other to change this person it is the prerogative of the adjuster to leave the mortal of habitation. At this point the adjuster goes back to its home in Divinington, all records with the universe are thereby transmitted there, and unfortunately in general these persons have committed spiritual suicide, and they may not be resurrected into the next worlds.

Student, Does this apply to mental diseases,

Jarel; not necessarily. This applies more to evil. IN terms of mental, genetic and physical conditions which affect the working of the thought adjuster, that all precautions are taken to assure that in the future when the thought adjuster and the person are reunited after death, to continue to give this person a chance with a new endowment to choose the spiritual path.

Student, Isn't this and important aspect of humans to make some attempt to live a moral life, and to choose the will of the Father, as not to fall into a river which if flowing in a direction we don't want to go and may not be able to swim out of. When you start to engage in evil, you may find yourself unable to escape this.

Jarel; You are observant my friend.

Student, Some people feel that morally they can do anything and that someday they will be able to change course, I feel this may not be the case.

Jarel; One understands that this becomes exceedingly more difficult to change patterns even simple as breathing patterns, clothes, ways to go to work, or diet, so to change major behavioral patterns is much more exceedingly difficult especially when ones mental thought patterns tends to reinforce a particular type of behavior. You cannot change the behavior until you change the way to which you relate to it. In all of this it is important to look at one's self and to understand that here and now there is an opportunity available to you to change and to grow and to begin little by little to exhibit a change in behavior. This is not a tremendous amount to ask. It is the least which is asked for you to grow spiritually. To begin wherever it begins to feel comfortable.

The human mind sometimes becomes overwhelmed by the thought of a dramatic change, but a simple analogy is a seed and the tree. The tree didn't just pop out of the seed, did it not, It had to grow first into a seedling, and through the soil and environment and the conditions which were inherent in the parents genetics. That seed grows in time into a mighty tree, or into whatever pattern for that seed is.

Student, Are you saying that our genetic pattern determines what we grow into?

Jarel; No, what I am saying is that is what the tree grows into. What I am saying is that to change a lot of people become overwhelmed, seeing only the seed and the tree, Thinking that change is instantaneous and overwhelming, which is greater that they are able to handle and they get depressed. To begin to change is to begin to find one little thing which is comfortable to change and to stick to this. Many little things that you begin to change, begin to grow into more profound changes and it is a gradual process. Spiritualization is a gradual process.

Student, Jesus wanted to change the planet, its been two thousand years, and its a slow process.

Jarel; There is all the time in the world. But there is not all the time in the world for you. The time in the world for the planet is different from your time on the planet. And Yes, you in your life time can make a difference in affecting the overall life of the planet. There is a difference in these times and yes the planet in time will also change. Michaels' message will reign supreme on this world and one day this world will earn its honorable and exalted state as a crown jewel of Nebadon.

Though now it is still let us say in the "rough"stage. It is not yet cleared its first facet. Although you time here is numbered and the opportunities that are available to eaach and everyone of you now are real.

Student, Going back to the mechanics of mind, seems to me that in my case, the pure physical part of the brain at times tremendously interfers, I seem to really feel the electrochemical level of my brain, like I can feel it agitating me when I am trying to relax in stillness. Is that normal

Jarel, Yes, what I am thinking is that you begin to find the one place which you can relax into. What you have to understand in order to relax is that you have to get into your physical body. You cannot separate your mind from your body, it creates too much tension. First try your breath, find something to focus on and breath into, feel a place in yourself which you can relax, because relaxing is a physical phenomenon and it is only through achieving physical relaxation that the mind is able to relax also. For example if your mind is water, and your body is a bucket, as long as that bucket is moving and shaking, the surface of the water in the bucket will also be moving and vibrating, it cannot be still. It is not until you are able to hold that vessel that the water of the mind is able to find its level its calmness and the ripples begin to give way to still and a glassy surface, so just to stay in your mind and try to relax mentally is not going to happen until you are able to achieve a certain sense of relaxation in the body, so you need to find a place in the body where you are able to relax, and this is of utmost importance. You begin to go there and go from there into other parts of the body to relax the body from that one place where you can find relaxation.

Student, What about people who have alsheimers or forget, senitliy, the mind is affected isn't it?

Jarel; What about them?

Student, How does that affect their? They do crazy things, etc, the brain cells deteriorate.

Jarel; A lot of this comes out in the wash. What is more profound to say is a person that is really trying to grow spiritually, creates a foundation of being which no disease can touch.

Student, That is ideal

Jarel; That is reality

Student, that is profound, can you say that again, please,

Jarel, It is on tape,(laughter) When you begin to create a spiritual foundation and you begin to transform, nothing can touch this. The spirituality begins in the mind, the concept of spirituality begins in the mind, to activate spirituality you have to What? Act It Out, activate it; you have to do spiritual things, What are spiritual things. You begin to acknowledge and listen to people. You begin to help them. GO throughout the day with a certain sense of knowingness. You begin to sense that the things you think and believe begins to harmonize with how you are in life. And as you begin to develop this foundation and it begins to become strong, nothing can tough this, NOTHING. Once you create your relationship with God, no matter what problems or physical things may come and debilitate, the corporal temple. And as a matter of fact if you really begin to see people who are activated spiritually you begin to see that their physical and mental health is quite stable and manageable. It is unfortunate when you see a lot of friends and relatives as well as others who succumb to the human conditions, because they did not, and this is interrelated, I'm not taking a blanket statement and making a judgement on these peoples health and being, and as you well know, how you live, and the decisions you make, there is a statement in you culture that you make your bed and you sleep in it. A lot of times, what becomes people is not something that happened in the end, but something that happened in the very beginning which activated the final product, is this understood. There is tremendous opportunity here and now to take advantage of your life, health and happiness, and to strengthen the cornerstone of your foundation, and to access the cornerstone which is God and to build a foundation to stand on solid ground and begin to live.

Student, the material side of the coin, could it be that these ailments and debilitations which occur as the body begins to wear our are further lessons to learn, the final examinations before graduation.

Jarel, not necessarily, except that you will learn that there is a lesson in every thing, These conditions are not specifically for lessons, but that the mind has learned that there are lessons in all things and situations. It is also unfortunate that the genetic stock on Urantia is so poorly blended and that there are problems from which people suffer. A tremendous situation to behold that great minds are rendered helpless by the physical condition. And there are opportunities associated with Father and his will to even change some of the predispositions.

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